Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Question: Where does a 60 pound dog sleep?

Answer: Anywhere he wants to.

Oh, Jacky-boy (his nickname), you crack us up!


BeadedTail said...

Jack must be part kitty! He's all cutie patootie too!

Liz Mays said...

I guess that's the truth! What can you do?

Anonymous said...

Wow- I thought only cats tried to squeeze into baskets like that. Hahahah!

Unknown said...

I have a kitty that does that, too. Particularly when I'm trying to fold the clean laundry. He jumps in, I shoo him out, he jumps in, I shoo him out again...until I finally give up and let him nap all over the clean laundry. LOL

Duni said...

Now that is CUTE. hahaha!