I am thrilled to report that we had a safe trip back to Texas. North Carolina was a whirlwind of visits with friends and we experienced all around happiness. We even stopped at the State Fair on the way home.. This are some pics from that...
My girls and me - photo op on a bench - you have to sit down and rest, this fair is HUGE!
The girls learned how to be farmers at an exhibit. I liked it cause it was FREE. A lot of things even after you pay your entrance fee has an extra cost...but this was not one of them. We blew through $85 dollars in 3 hours. And we only had $100 in our state fair budget - 15 was for parking.
For all of us to ride the ferris wheel was TWENTY-FOUR dollars... does anyone else out there think that is crazy? So.. you could see why you can blow through some money here... This was on the ferris wheel: Daddy and Allie
So.. after 3 hours, when we were penniless, lol.. it was time to go. But, good thing too.. The Dallas Cowboys were playing, and that stadium seats 100,000 people. So, at least we missed that traffic.
I will be visiting you all soon. I am still tired from all that laundry I did yesterday. 10 hours worth. For Real. Isn't that sickening?
Have a happy night!
I wouldn't pay $24 to enter a fair, let alone on just one ride. That is insane! But, from the pictures, it looks like it was worth it.
The photo of you and the girls is precious!!! Seems you still have hot weather (jealous) :)
And yes, that's a lot of money for a ride on the ferris wheel. Fairs like this aren't that expensive over here - nobobdy would go otherwise!
Looks like you're more into the resting than the girls! I can't believe how expensive the fair is. I mean, isn't it usually an entrance fee OR cost for extras? Sheesh...nickel and diming you. What ever happened to $.25 rides-geez!
Looks like so much fun!!! Wow that's one expensive fair but those aprons are too cute for words!!!
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