Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hand and Foot Wamers and the North Pole

Do you live in a cold climate, where you need body warmers? Well, I live in Texas, and anything below 60 degrees to me is cold. Isn't that pathetic? And to think I grew up in Connecticut, where we had some cold winters.

Really and truly seriously though - I am really being honest when I say that anything below 60 is cold. We haven't had to turn on the heat yet this year, which I love as saving money is my favorite! But some mornings, when I check the thermostat, it has said 68 degrees.. what? Break out the toe warmers - I tell you, I can use them on those chilly Texas mornings. Chilly? 68 degrees? Yes! The south has changed me!

So, Yes.. I guess I just need to be thankful that I do live in the south and not the North Pole. Speaking of the North Pole though - that is a neat website that the kids might enjoy, and their is plenty information for the bigger kids to enjoy as well.

Now, go and eat turkey - or tofurkey - or lasagna - or ham - or what have you.
Me? I want to eat pie.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

We need warmers for every part of us here in Michigan. I love a little snow for Christmas but that is about it!