Allison was so surprised when she opened an Easy Bake Oven. I snapped this picture just as she realized what it was. She didn't ask for much for Christmas. She wanted a Belle Dress-up dress, a pillow pet, and an Easy Bake. And while I dreaded this gift as I thought she was too young for it.. It seemed that Santa didn't think so. I didn't have an Easy Bake Oven as a child, so I, admittedly, was excited to use it too. The girls love it. We made yellow cake yesterday and we will make sugar cookies today. All under a 100 watt bulb - Fun Times!
Today I am turning my thoughts to 2011, things I want to accomplish, things I want to reflect upon... oh, and also, to come up with a game plan on how I am supposed to stay up until Midnight on New Year's Eve.
This will be no small feat.
I wish I was joking.
I had an easy bake oven for about 2 hours as a kid. My grandfather bought it for me, and then my dad proceeded to throw it out a couple of hours later because I was going to "burn the house down with it". It still makes me sad.
Kudos to Santa for giving one to Alison, and to Mommy for being so excited to help her use it.
What a great gift and I love Allison's face as she sees what Santa brought! I loved my Easy Bake oven!
Glad you all had a "nice" Christmas! And glad to hear you gave in and got them the easy bake. I mean, you're never too young to be creative...but, I suppose you'll have to teach them about cleaning up flour, etc. now...yikes!
Kasi got an easy bake when she was about that age from my mom. We never even opened the box. In fact, I think it's still sitting on the shelf in her closet. maybe I should sell it on ebay or something...
I am glad you guys are enjoying yours. I can't wait to see pictures of you cake. You did take pictures, right????
This makes me sad because when I was a kid all I wanted was an easy bake oven and the only thing I really never got was a easy bake oven. Thanks for bringing up old wounds LOL.
Merry Christmas a few days later! That photo is priceless! The good old Easy Bake Oven...Oh, how I loved it! Sounds like a lot of fun and since my girl loves to bake..Why the heck didn't I think of that?! lol! Wishing you a very happy new year and blessed year ahead. Love to you, My Friend! xo
Santa is a nice Santa to such sweet good girls. Santa was nice to us too. A Easy Bake Oven what fun!
Happy New Year to you.
Allison looks so cute as she is opening her present...Santa sure is nice :)
The Easy Bake oven sounds like fun!!! Yummy cookies.
wishing you a grand 2011, peace, joy and much laughter!
So fun! Gillian got an easy bake oven this year too from Grandma. We still haven't tried it out yet but I have to admit I'm pretty excited too. I got your message and I miss you too. I promise I'll call you soon. Happy New Year xoxo!
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