My newest listing. I am trying to paint one new vase a day, sometimes that goal is even a stretch, depending on what is going on at the house, what activities we have on our agenda, etc. My goal is to reach 100 items in my shop. I would then like to create a pamphlet to which I could bring to local flower shops and see if anyone would like to carry my vases. It is a goal, maybe one day!
Emily is turning 4 next week, and she wants a Tinkerbell pinata. You might remember I made Allison a big flower pinata HERE, and now it is time for me to make Emily's. A Tinkerbell pinata! Can it get any harder? At first, I thought it would be easy. I can make a big round pinata, print out a picture of Tinkerbell, add a little bit of paint and boom, done. BUT, no. Emily wants a Tinkerbell with legs, arms, wings.. the whole body. I must tell you, it looks pretty awful right now. It might turn out to be something that kids might not mind putting out of its misery, ha ha!
Have a Great Day!
I have to say, I'm loving these ethereal paint jobs you're giving your vases! And why not go around to flower shops, that sounds like a great goal! Good luck with the tinker bell pinata- hard!
That's a great idea to have your vases in flower shops! I wish you the best in making that goal!
I can't even imagine a Tinkerbell pinata so hope you share photos of it!
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