Monday, December 12, 2011

Zaarly It

I have never heard of this website until today.. It is called Zaarly. To me, it seems like an upscale Craiglist. I say "upscale" because the site looks cleaner and I don't know.. more high-tech I guess? Craiglist looks more like the classified section of the newspaper, and this site looks more searcher-friendly, to me anyway..

It is a buy and sell website.. anything you want to buy, anything you want to sell, you can post or search for. You can even name the price of what you want to buy something for. For examply, say you live in New York City and you want an Ipad 2, well, here ya go - new ipad2 new york city.

And it seems that zaarly has become quite a succesful venue for some. Have a peek and see what you think...

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