This picture was taken September 2008. Emily and her handsome Daddy. Emily was 15 months old! I warned you I would be sentimental this month. It is our 10th anniversary on Thursday, and Emily just started school this month. It is a good time to reminisce.
I am soo happy to report that Emily's third day of preschool went exceedingly well. Not only did she not even cry when I said goodbye, but, she did not cry at all during the day. At all. She stayed with her class, she had a fun time, and she was even the line leader. That deserved a trip to Baskin Robbins, and man, did that make for some happy girls.
Thank you for all of your support and kind words.
Sometimes being a Mom is really hard.
When you think your child is hurting, it just knocks the wind right out of you.
I feel like I can breathe now when last week, it felt like I had a 1500 pound elephant on my chest. But, she likes it. She really, really likes it.
And it makes me so happy.
That's so wonderful that she's enjoying school now! Being a line leader certainly deserved a trip to Baskins Robbins!
YAY! Victory! You knew she would though. I mean, in the moment it's hard and you just can't, but now, she's good to go:) Congrats! And way to stick it out!
I'm so proud of her and I know it a relief for you. Now she's going to just love being at school :)
So glad to hear your little sweet pea has adjusted just fine to school. Being a mother is one of the toughest and emotional gut wrenching jobs in the world, but it is oh so worth it
Yay!!! That is great news!
Awesome picture :)
Yay! I'm glad to hear that things are better now - ice cream is a great reward! ;)
I'm so happy to hear everything is going good with the girls and school. It is really hard being a mom sometimes.
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