Thursday, April 7, 2011

Hi Folks!

I am exhausted to say the least. Just got home from spending the week at our old house. We camped it out there with an air mattress and very little else. The girls had a blast, I now have a bad back. But, this will pass. It really was a fun time.

The girls went to their preschool for a few days while I was extremely busy packing up the rest of the house and giving the house a better cleaning. I am ready to fall into bed, and probably will as soon as I hit "publish post". I look forward to reading your blogs and catching up with you.

I just wanted to leave you with this picture of Emily from a couple of weeks ago.
She loved that ice cream cone. She was just really digging into it, with a smile on her face, not caring that she was dripping all over or where she was dripping.

Next time I eat an ice cream cone, I am going to eat it just like that. With pure abandon.

Bye for now!


Liz Mays said...

That sounds like a wonderful plan!

BeadedTail said...

Hope you get rested up! I would never look as cute as Emily eating an ice cream cone like that. She's adorable!

Duni said...


I hope you get some much needed rest :)

Alicia said...

I did that last summer on the Board Walk in Ocean City. I was a sticky mess! But that ice cream was damn good:)

Good to see you chickie. Is there a possible trip east again this summer? Just curious.

Anonymous said...

Wow...that's so much work! I'm sure you are just sick to death of cleaning that place! Any word on selling?
Good advice Emily: take time out to just do what you want exactly how you want to do it!

Unknown said...

Oh, honey. There's no other way to eat an ice cream cone! Go to town! :)

Tammy said...

Sounds like you got a lot done. Emily does look like she is really enjoying her ice cream, very sweet. :)