Hi everyone! I hope you all are doing great! What a week it has been! Let's see.. Emily turned 4. She had her yearly Doctor appointment on Friday and she and Allison are the exact same weight. 33 1/2 pounds. Mind you, they are 21 months apart. Funny. We also purchased season passes to the Austin Zoo, which we live near.. and we went 3 times this week. I have talked about the zoo before in Who Screams at the Zoo? and why I love this particular zoo so much. So, I am excited that we can go whenever we want.
In Fantastic news - We got an offer on the house and accepted it! It was the most and still is the most nerve-wracking experience. The buyer has until Tuesday to say, Eh, forget it...but fingers crossed that she won't. I. Am. Petrified. We are so close to stop the hemorrhaging of money that we are experiencing with carrying this extra mortgage, that this wait is almost unbearable! But.. You know what has been helping? The fact that I have been keeping myself so incredibly busy. I had been working on a Pinata for my dear friend, Abby. Her birthday is right around the corner, and what started out as sort of a joke, quickly turned into a very real project. I am making her a Donnie Whalberg Pinata. (Donnie of New Kids on the Block fame, now NKOTBSB fame, he has also been in movies, etc..) And I will mail it to her tomorrow. Oh, folks, I can not wait until she gets it. I will be sure to do another blog post that goes into how this started and the end result. Let's just say that Donnie Whalberg is now following Abby on twitter. And that was an exciting day for Abby and I!
So I hope you all are well.. and I will be making my blog visits soon!
Sorry, I wasn't shouting at your girls. I swear. I was shouting with glee over the #DonniePinata project!!! I can't believe that, as of tomorrow, it will be heading in this general direction! So, I'll continue with the shouting....
Yay on the house offer! So exciting! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Wow, you have an abundance of exciting news! Congrats on the offer- I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!!! Glad you all are having fun and keeping busy!
The zoo is always a good time! That's great that you got a season pass.
*crossing fingers* that the house offers works out for you! We're in the process of selling our condo and closing on a new house so I definitely sympathize with that. Best of luck. :)
Hi Kristin!
How wonderful that you've finally had an offer on your old house. Keeping fingers and toes crossed for you :)
I'm afraid I don't know who Donnie is, but it's amazing that you made a pinata specially for Abby. I would love to see a picture of that!
take care, sweetie. Enjoy the zoo!
I'm sooooo happy for you that you've got that accepted offer now. Woohoo!!! What a load of stress off. Ok, well, a little less stress on closing day, but still...
Too funny about the kiddos weighing the same!
And hooray for a house offer! I know it is a relief!
Can't wait to see pics of the pinata - how creative!
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